Deprecated: File Theme without header.php is deprecated since version 3.0.0 with no alternative available. Please include a header.php template in your theme. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5653 June 2022 – ZeigoNetwork

Moving to Carbon Neutrality: The Role of Carbon Offsets

Progressive organizations are seeking powerful solutions to their most pressing environmental impacts, and carbon offsets can be an affordable and credible means to achieving carbon neutrality—particularly in the absence of technological or alternative solutions. During this webinar, BNEF, Maple Leaf Foods, and Virgin Voyages join Schneider Electric experts to discuss how to build a strategic […]

June 28, 2022

Managing the Energy Transformation: The Disruptive Power of Fleet Electrification

Managing the Energy Transformation: The Disruptive Power of Fleet Electrification The time to start planning an EV response is now. In this paper, we discuss the issues that organizations can expect to face as they begin to explore the EV and energy transition, with our recommendations on steps to take in the short- and medium-term […]

June 28, 2022

Joining the Club: Collaborative Offsite PPA Structures for Renewable Energy Buyers

In this paper, we examine the opportunities and challenges presented by collaborative smaller-sized or aggregated transactions and provide practical recommendations for buyers interested in pursuing these types of PPA structures. Introduction For basics on the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) structure refer to these 101 materials on the Zeigo Network: Part 1: Virtual Power Purchase Agreements […]

June 28, 2022

Energy Efficiency 101

Energy Efficiency is a Critical Component of Any Decarbonization Strategy       What is Energy Efficiency?    Energy efficiency is one of the simplest and most economical ways to reduce your carbon footprint, help your business and customers save money, and fight climate change. Reducing costs to your bottom line and embracing innovative, efficient […]

June 28, 2022

Corporate PPAs: The Collaborative Model

Although most PPA deals to date have been executed by large organizations, new models and market volatility have led buyers with smaller loads to explore this energy procurement strategy. Smaller buyers traditionally face the challenge of attracting competitive pricing and interest from renewable project developers. One approach to solving this challenge is to collaborate with […]

June 28, 2022

FAQ for Considering Onsite Solar

Navigating the Onsite Renewable Energy Landscape: Key Considerations and Best Practices As the race to global decarbonization advances, renewable energy is at a more cost-effective price point than ever. Installing onsite solar is a popular initiative companies are taking to further their sustainability strategy. Implementing on-site solar allows businesses a creative, effective way to transform […]

June 21, 2022
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