Deprecated: File Theme without header.php is deprecated since version 3.0.0 with no alternative available. Please include a header.php template in your theme. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5653 September 2022 – Page 2 – ZeigoNetwork

What are Scope 1 Emissions?

As organizations seek to meet the tall order of decarbonizing their operations, the question of how to reduce scope 1 emissions is inevitable to arise at some point in the journey. To answer this, it’s important to first have a grasp on another question: what are Scope 1 emissions? The definition of Scope 1 emissions […]

September 21, 2022

Understanding Renewable Energy Certificates in Europe

Addressing climate change requires a well coordinated, global response On 21 December 2015, the Paris Climate Accord was adopted by the United Nations, at COP21, where delegates from 195 countries agreed to take action to limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius, a threshold which climate scientists agree would allow us to avoid the […]

September 21, 2022
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