Deprecated: File Theme without header.php is deprecated since version 3.0.0 with no alternative available. Please include a header.php template in your theme. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5653 August 2023 – Page 2 – ZeigoNetwork

Roadmap to 100% Renewable Electricity- Slides from Zeigo Network Live 2023 Breakout in Louisville

During this Zeigo Network Live presentation, the expert panel discussed necessary steps and consideration points for those aiming to decarbonize their operations. Some key questions answered in the presentation were: “Why do companies source renewable electricity?”, “What forms of renewable electricity are potentially available?” and “What are the benefits and challenges of onsite/offsite generation?” This […]

August 25, 2023

The Role of EACs and Offsets in the Race to Net Zero​- Slides from Zeigo Network Live 2023 Breakout in Louisville

During this Zeigo Network Live presentation, the expert panel identified the role that EACs and Carbon Offsets play in the race to net zero. Key slides from the presentation include: “Carbon Offset Taxonomy”, “3 ways corporations procure renewable electricity”, and “Corporate Renewable Energy Demand is Set to Grow”. This presentation provides decarbonization strategy guidance. Enjoy! […]

August 25, 2023

The New Sustainability Landscape- Slides from Zeigo Network Live 2023 Breakout in Louisville

During this Zeigo Network Live presentation, the expert panel navigates through the new sustainability landscape. Key slides from the presentation include: “Best Practices for Sourcing Responsible Renewable Energy”, “4 Pillars of Sustainability Messaging”, and “A Tale of Two Companies: A case study and a cautionary tale”. This presentation provides guidance for establishing a sustainable brand. […]

August 25, 2023

Innovative Alternatives to VPPAs- Slides from Zeigo Network Live 2023 Breakout in Louisville

During this Zeigo Network Live presentation, the expert panel discusses innovative alternatives to VPPAs. Key slides from the presentation include: “Tax Credit Transferability Opportunity”, “Tax Credit Value in the VPPA Landscape” and “Key Concepts for Additionality & RECs”. This presentation invites you to consider the corporate tax credit investment opportunities available today. Enjoy! After Viewing: […]

August 25, 2023

Accelerate your Supply Chain Decarbonization​- Slides from Zeigo Network Live 2023 Breakout in Louisville

During this Zeigo Network Live presentation, the expert panel discussed how digital tools can accelerate supply chain decarbonization. Key slides from this presentation include: “Addressing Scope 3 Emissions”, “The Zero Carbon Project”, and “Supplier Engagement Process”. This presentation advances your knowledge of digital tools available for aid in your decarbonization journey. Enjoy! After Viewing: Have […]

August 25, 2023

In Defense of Buying Renewable Energy Credits (EACs)

Unpacking the Two Most Common Concerns About EACs   We recently spoke to Ian Lawrence to get insight into two common concerns about using EACs as a tactic in your decarbonization strategy.     Renewable energy credits have been around for a while, and let’s be honest, the attitude toward this instrument remains “mixed.” These […]

August 23, 2023

Part 1: Key Concepts for Accounting Stakeholders Considering VPPAs

VPPAs can be a powerful tool used toward achieving your sustainability goals, but some risks must be understood and allocated.   This is Part 1 of a 3-part series. Click here to read part 2 and here for part 3. As mentioned in the introductory guide to power purchase agreements, the overall Virtual Power Purchase […]

August 23, 2023

Part 1: Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPA): Finance Edition

Key Questions and Considerations for Financial Stakeholders This is Part 1 of a 3-part series. Click here to read part 2 and here for part 3. There’s a lot to learn when it comes to the financial considerations behind VPPAs. If you see a term you don’t understand, head over to the glossary for a full definition.    Renewable energy projects […]

August 23, 2023

Evaluating PPA Risks in the Current Market- Slides from Zeigo Network Live 2023 Breakout in Louisville

During this Zeigo Network Live presentation, the panel of experts covered a multitude of topics related to evaluating PPA risks in the current market. Some key slides in the presentation were: “Risk Mitigation Toolkit”, “Managing Renewable PPA Risk”, and “Project Evaluation and Summary”. In this presentation, you will find guidance for risk mitigation, suggestions for […]

August 23, 2023

How Battery Storage will Enable Decarbonization

The market for battery energy storage systems is experiencing rapid expansion. Battery storage stands as a crucial facilitator of renewable energy generation, allowing alternative sources to consistently contribute to global energy requirements, even in light of the naturally sporadic nature of these sources. The versatility offered by BESS will render it indispensable for tasks like […]

August 14, 2023
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