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Market Brief: [Greece]
Understanding Price Risk in a VPPA
There are two core considerations around price risk in a VPPA. The first is simple: the risk of losing money. The second is perhaps less intuitive: the risk of volatility in month-to-month cash flows, even if that volatility means you’re in the black. Different companies feel more or less threatened by one or both of […]
Market Brief: [Belgium]
Market Brief: [Germany]
Market Brief: [Czech Republic]
Market Brief: [Arizona USA]
How are Developers Thinking about Tax Credit Transfers?
Renewable energy tax credit investments are vehicles for large corporates to not only make progress towards their renewable energy, decarbonization and sustainability goals, but also generate positive tax and economic benefits. With the Tax Credit Investment (TCI) opportunity, companies invest capital tax liability in exchange for renewable energy credits, tax credits, tax benefits and positive […]
How Do Tax Credit Transfers Help Corporates Make Progress on Sustainability Goals?
Renewable energy tax credit investments are vehicles for large corporates to not only make progress towards their renewable energy, decarbonization and sustainability goals, but also generate positive tax and economic benefits. With the Tax Credit Investment (TCI) opportunity, companies invest capital tax liability in exchange for renewable energy credits, tax credits, tax benefits and positive […]
Market Brief: [Austria]