Deprecated: File Theme without header.php is deprecated since version 3.0.0 with no alternative available. Please include a header.php template in your theme. in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5653 Aggregated PPAs – Page 2 – ZeigoNetwork

Decarbonizing Your Supply Chain: Slides from Zeigo Network Live (London)

This Zeigo Network Live presentation focuses on the critical role of decarbonization in supply chains and the importance of addressing Scope 3 emissions. It highlights: The Zero Carbon Project by Schneider Electric, which supports the global transition to a low carbon footprint by partnering with suppliers responsible for significant upstream carbon emissions. The challenges companies […]

October 6, 2023

Accelerating Supply Chain Decarbonization with Digital Tools: ZNL Recording

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, supply chain decarbonization has emerged as a crucial aspect of corporate sustainability strategies. As companies face increasing pressure from investors, customers, and regulators to reduce their environmental impact, addressing emissions within the supply chain has become a key area of focus. By proactively pursuing decarbonization initiatives, businesses can not […]

September 6, 2023

Zeigo Network Live Session Slides: North America 2023

Thank you for attending the inaugural Zeigo Network Live event in Louisville, Kentucky, this past August 2023. We were thrilled to witness the diverse perspectives and expertise that attendees brought to the table. The active involvement from our community members made the sessions more dynamic while contributing to the knowledge sharing that is essential for […]

August 25, 2023

Glossary of Terms: Renewables and Cleantech

12×24 production profile. A projection of how much electricity will be generated by a renewable energy project during each hour of the day in each month of the year. 12×24 production profiles account for the diurnal and seasonal fluctuations in energy production (e.g., continental winds tend to be strongest at night and in the winter) and […]

August 26, 2022

The Decarbonization Challenge, Part 2: Getting it Done

This paper lays out Schneider Electric’s holistic, pragmatic strategy for organizational decarbonization. Our decades of experience in energy and sustainability consulting and technology spans across the realms of global commerce. It’s this expertise that informs the four-stage process explored in this paper. With this proven roadmap, organizations of all kinds can define, set, deploy, and […]

July 4, 2022

The Decarbonization Challenge, Part 1: Closing the Ambition to Action Gap

Taking climate action—and making the most of it for your organization—requires commitment, innovation and an ability to translate ambition into meaningful action. For many corporate leaders, crossing the bridge from goals to results can be a formidable mountain to climb. In this paper, we break down the climate action journey into three fundamental areas: the […]

July 4, 2022

Joining the Club: Collaborative Offsite PPA Structures for Renewable Energy Buyers

In this paper, we examine the opportunities and challenges presented by collaborative smaller-sized or aggregated transactions and provide practical recommendations for buyers interested in pursuing these types of PPA structures. Introduction For basics on the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) structure refer to these 101 materials on the Zeigo Network: Part 1: Virtual Power Purchase Agreements […]

June 28, 2022

Corporate PPAs: The Collaborative Model

Although most PPA deals to date have been executed by large organizations, new models and market volatility have led buyers with smaller loads to explore this energy procurement strategy. Smaller buyers traditionally face the challenge of attracting competitive pricing and interest from renewable project developers. One approach to solving this challenge is to collaborate with […]

June 28, 2022
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