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Decarbonization and Scope 1 Emissions: The Role of Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)

Reducing Scope 1 emissions, such as from natural gas usage, is a real challenge that many companies are now turning their focus to. However, there are some significant barriers that need to be overcome. During this panel discussion, learn what renewable natural gas (RNG) is and gain expert insights on some of the common challenges […]

December 19, 2023

Understanding Price Risk in a VPPA 

There are two core considerations around price risk in a VPPA. The first is simple: the risk of losing money. The second is perhaps less intuitive: the risk of volatility in month-to-month cash flows, even if that volatility means you’re in the black. Different companies feel more or less threatened by one or both of […]

November 21, 2023

How are Developers Thinking about Tax Credit Transfers?

Renewable energy tax credit investments are vehicles for large corporates to not only make progress towards their renewable energy, decarbonization and sustainability goals, but also generate positive tax and economic benefits. With the Tax Credit Investment (TCI) opportunity, companies invest capital tax liability in exchange for renewable energy credits, tax credits, tax benefits and positive […]

November 17, 2023

How Do Tax Credit Transfers Help Corporates Make Progress on Sustainability Goals?

Renewable energy tax credit investments are vehicles for large corporates to not only make progress towards their renewable energy, decarbonization and sustainability goals, but also generate positive tax and economic benefits. With the Tax Credit Investment (TCI) opportunity, companies invest capital tax liability in exchange for renewable energy credits, tax credits, tax benefits and positive […]

November 17, 2023

Three Pricing Challenges in Renewable Energy PPAs and Ways to Overcome Them

Understand the “why” behind the rising costs of solar and wind projects, from financing to interconnection, labor and supply chain. Then study our strategies for how to overcome them. Renewable energy Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) offer businesses an invaluable pathway to sustainability and a greener future. However, navigating the intricate landscape of pricing challenges in […]

November 14, 2023

RECORDED SESSION: PPAs: Balancing Risk in an Offsite PPA, Part 2

It has been a banner year for corporate offsite PPAs in Europe! The offsite PPA structure is indeed one of the best ways to achieve a scope 2 reduction at scale. However, the potential risks can be daunting. What better way to understand both the risks and the means of reducing them than to hear […]

November 6, 2023

RECORDED SESSION: PPAs: Balancing Risk in an Offsite PPA, Part 1

It has been a banner year for corporate offsite PPAs in Europe! The offsite PPA structure is indeed one of the best ways to achieve a scope 2 reduction at scale. However, the potential risks can be daunting. What better way to understand both the risks and the means of reducing them than to hear […]

November 3, 2023

RECORDED SESSION: It Takes Two to Tango: The Art of Effective PPA Execution

An experienced panel explores the question: “What is needed to successfully execute a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)?” The conversation will consider the challenges and opportunities facing project developers and corporate buyers seeking to execute PPA transactions, with a focus on the European market. Ally Charlton, Director, Renewable Energy & Carbon Advisory, Schneider Electric Christopher Smith, […]

October 18, 2023
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