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Battery Energy Storage 101: Applications for Decarbonization

In our recent webinar, our two subject matter experts, Michael Tingle and Matej Kruspan, will be discussing the increasing adoption of battery energy storage systems (BESS) and their role in supporting renewable energy integration and grid stability. This conversation highlights the current state of BESS technology, its adoption in various markets, and the potential for […]

October 4, 2023

How Does Tax Equity Work for Renewable Electricity?

Tax equity options for renewable electricity projects are emerging for companies seeking impactful avenues to access renewable power, reduce their emissions, and generate financial returns. In the last decade, the corporate renewable electricity procurement market has grown and transformed in many exciting ways, giving businesses greater choice and autonomy over how and what kind of power […]

September 21, 2023

Exploring the Standard PPA Opportunity in Brazil

The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) remains one of the best ways for corporate companies to procure renewable energy, but this structure is only attractive and available in select countries. For this reason, it’s exciting when new global geographies emerge as viable for corporate PPAs, and this is exactly what has happened with Brazil in the […]

September 15, 2023

Zeigo Network Live Photo Album

Thank you to everyone who attended our inaugural Zeigo Network Live event in Louisville, KY. Zeigo Network Live brought together 57 corporate clients and 36 project developers, along with several dozen Schneider Electric subject matter experts across the Zeigo and Renewable Energy and Carbon Advisory teams. The event fostered a wide variety of discussions on […]

August 30, 2023

Foundational Decarbonization​- Slides from Zeigo Network Live 2023 Breakout in Louisville

Understanding the foundations of decarbonization is critical if you’re serious about making tangible progress on your sustainability commitments. Even for those more experienced players in the renewable energy landscape, it can be helpful to brush up on terms and definitions: scopes, reporting standards, and the tactics for decarbonizing with renewable electricity. These slides are from […]

August 25, 2023

Roadmap to 100% Renewable Electricity- Slides from Zeigo Network Live 2023 Breakout in Louisville

During this Zeigo Network Live presentation, the expert panel discussed necessary steps and consideration points for those aiming to decarbonize their operations. Some key questions answered in the presentation were: “Why do companies source renewable electricity?”, “What forms of renewable electricity are potentially available?” and “What are the benefits and challenges of onsite/offsite generation?” This […]

August 25, 2023
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