In this week’s episode of our Leveraging DIG series, we will look into Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs). This video shows you how to effectively use the DIG feature to manage your EACs, ensuring you are guided to the educational content, tools, and community support you need to achieve your sustainability goals.
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EAC Procurement: Getting Started
Purchasing Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) is a staple in any Decarbonization strategy that includes market-based reporting around scope 2 emissions. Your strategy will be determined by 4 primary things: Location Load Reporting requirements Cost Motivation Location Location is primary because your certificate needs to be valid in the same region as your load. For […]
What are Scope 2 Emissions and How Can I Address Them?
What are scope 2 emissions? Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions generated from purchased electricity, heat, steam, or cooling. The graphic below provides more detail about the difference between scope 1,2, and 3 emissions. A large source of many corporations’ scope 2 emissions come from the energy purchased through utilities to power facilities. Depending on […]
Clean Energy NGOs and the Role They Play
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[WATCH] Philippines Energy Market Update
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Market Spotlight: Renewable Energy Procurement in Australia
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Buying Renewables: Foundational Elements – Zeigo Network Live (London)
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Mapping out the Pathway to Renewable Energy
Many of the clean technology solutions that exist today, or are in development, have the potential to create significant opportunities for companies to rethink their approaches to decarbonization. Once an organization understands where it is (stage 1: establish a baseline) and where it’s going (stage 2: set targets), the essential next stage is to deploy […]
Clearing the Air on Renewable Energy Emissions Reporting
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