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Carbon Offsets, Greenwashing, & The Race to Net Zero: Slides from Zeigo Network Live (London)

This presentation by Zeigo Network provides an in-depth exploration of carbon offsetting and the concept of greenwashing. It covers: The science-aligned world targets for emissions reduction The role of carbon offsets in achieving net-zero strategies. The issue of greenwashing: what it is, why it has become newsworthy, and its impact on carbon offsetting. The EU […]

August 13, 2024

Onsite Solar in Texas: Doing Business in the Wild West

As cliché as it sounds, Texas is the wild west of the energy market. With its great swaths of land, abundant sunshine, and wind, it’s consistently leading the charge in renewables on the utility scale. These abundant resources have made it the hub for cheap, renewable energy. If you’re a corporate or industrial purchasing RECS […]

February 28, 2024

The Key Players in Clean Energy: A Country-By-Country Analysis (EU)

As the European Union (EU) continues to push for sustainability and renewable energy adoption, the landscape of the renewable energy PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) market is evolving at a rapid pace. 2023 marks another record 2023 for corporate PPAs in the EU, with almost 3000 RFP bids.   By: Ollie Passingham SaaS Sustainability Graduate Zeigo […]

February 13, 2024
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