Companies are infinitely variable, and yet sometimes it feels like renewables procurement is a small box that everyone needs to fit within. One of the biggest challenges businesses face is figuring out how to achieve their renewable energy targets in order to maintain their goals, especially in an environment where it’s becoming a little bit […]
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Using Solar Thermal for Heat: Deep Dive into Absolicon’s Technology
Absolicon has a unique technology, based on 20 years of research, for extracting energy from the sun. They are on a mission to lead the change towards a sustainable energy supply for our planet. We sat down with Hassim Shah, an Account Executive at Absolicon, to talk about how their solar thermal technology is transforming […]
Tax Credits: Distinguishing Between the ITC vs. the PTCs
Renewable energy tax credit investments are vehicles for large corporates to not only make progress towards their renewable energy, decarbonization and sustainability goals, but also generate positive tax and economic benefits. With the Tax Credit Investment (TCI) opportunity, companies invest capital tax liability in exchange for renewable energy credits, tax credits, tax benefits and positive […]
Battery Storage: Benefits, Contracting, and How to Tell if Your Facility is a Good Fit
According to the 2H 2023 Energy Storage Market Outlook from Bloomberg, global energy storage’s record additions in 2023 will be followed by a 27% compound annual growth rate to 2030, with annual additions reaching 110GW/372GWh, or 2.6 times expected 2023 gigawatt installations. “Targets and subsidies are translating into project development and power market reforms […]
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Understanding Price Risk in a VPPA
There are two core considerations around price risk in a VPPA. The first is simple: the risk of losing money. The second is perhaps less intuitive: the risk of volatility in month-to-month cash flows, even if that volatility means you’re in the black. Different companies feel more or less threatened by one or both of […]
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