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RECORDED SESSION: PPAs: Balancing Risk in an Offsite PPA, Part 1

It has been a banner year for corporate offsite PPAs in Europe! The offsite PPA structure is indeed one of the best ways to achieve a scope 2 reduction at scale. However, the potential risks can be daunting. What better way to understand both the risks and the means of reducing them than to hear […]

November 3, 2023

Offsite PPAs in Central Eastern Europe: Q&A with Rezolv Energy

In this short video, Matej Kruspan of Rezolv Energy discusses various aspects of preparing to explore offsite PPA opportunities in Central Eastern Europe. Matej covers several important things to keep in mind, such as: What should off-takers be aligned on before signing a Green PPA? What kinds of projects are best for what companies? What […]

November 2, 2023

Four Tips for Navigating the Renewable Energy Procurement Landscape

In a recent webinar, The Many Shapes and Sizes of Renewable Procurement, experts from Enel and Schneider Electric discussed the broad landscape of renewable purchase options. We spoke with Greg Rizzo from Enel before the webinar to hear his thoughts on how the renewable landscape is evolving.         Greg Rizzo is currently […]

November 1, 2023

RECORDED SESSION: It Takes Two to Tango: The Art of Effective PPA Execution

An experienced panel explores the question: “What is needed to successfully execute a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)?” The conversation will consider the challenges and opportunities facing project developers and corporate buyers seeking to execute PPA transactions, with a focus on the European market. Ally Charlton, Director, Renewable Energy & Carbon Advisory, Schneider Electric Christopher Smith, […]

October 18, 2023
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